Joint Appointments: Individuals who hold a position in another Unit and are being jointly appointed in a department in the College of Engineering.
Additional Appointments: Individuals who hold a position in a department within the College of Engineering and are being additionally appointed in another department within the College of Engineering.
- Department chair determines need for joint/additional appointment.
- Department fills out Request for Joint/Additional Appointment Form and obtains appropriate signatures.
- If a new appointment is for a junior candidate, please indicate a mentor on the request form.
- If requesting an instructional track appointment for a faculty member whose main appoint is on another track, external letters should be solicited (3 for junior, 5 for senior). A memo from the requesting department chair should provide a detailed explanation for requesting an appointment on a different track.
- Department uploads the completed form, applicable memo and CV to their Executive Committee shared folder and notifies the ADAA Office of the request.
- ADAA notifies department of approval.
- Department submits paperwork to RPM.
- ADAA submits Provost Office and/or Regent Communication if necessary.