Initiating New Joint/Additional Appointments

Joint Appointments: Individuals who hold a position in another Unit and are being jointly appointed in a department in the College of Engineering.

Additional Appointments: Individuals who hold a position in a department within the College of Engineering and are being additionally appointed in another department within the College of Engineering.


  1. Department chair determines need for joint/additional appointment.
  2. Department fills out Request for Joint/Additional Appointment Form and obtains appropriate signatures.
  3. If a new appointment is for a junior candidate, please indicate a mentor on the request form.
  4. If requesting an instructional track appointment for a faculty member whose main appoint is on another track, external letters should be solicited (3 for junior, 5 for senior).  A memo from the requesting department chair should provide a detailed explanation for requesting an appointment on a different track.
  5. Department uploads the completed form, applicable memo and CV to their Executive Committee shared folder and notifies the ADAA Office of the request.
  6. ADAA notifies department of approval.
  7. Department submits paperwork to RPM.
  8. ADAA submits Provost Office and/or Regent Communication if necessary.