Professional Development Fund for Lecturers

2011-12 Lecturers Professional Development Fund

The 2010-2013 collective bargaining agreement between the University and the Lecturers’ Employee Organization (LEO) continues the provision of a Professional Development Fund (the “Fund”) for LEO Lecturers on the Ann Arbor campus. Awards of up to $550 are available to eligible Lecturers each academic year. The purpose of the Fund is to encourage creativity through the support of Lecturer professional development by providing grants in support of activities that enhance Lecturers’ teaching at the University of Michigan; the Fund is not intended to provide a salary supplement to the Lecturer.


  1. Any Lecturer who has an active appointment or who is on an approved leave of absence at the time a proposal is submitted may apply for an award from the Fund.
  2. A successful applicant must also demonstrate that he or she has a reasonable belief that he or she will hold an appointment beyond the time the award is disbursed.
  3. The applicant must demonstrate that he or she has applied for any other professional development funding available within his or her academic unit(s) prior to submitting a proposal to the Fund.



Successful proposals will be prospective only and will address one or more of the following criteria, consistent with the expectations of excellence in the applicant’s appointing academic unit. Please address one or more of the following criteria and how it will demonstrably expand your knowledge base for successful teaching:

  • Does the proposal offer a way for the Lecturer to enhance his or her command of his or her subject matter, provide for growth in the Lecturer’s teaching methods, or assist the Lecturer in developing, organizing and conveying course content?
  • Does the proposal offer enhancements for the development or implementation of innovative teaching and learning activities in the Lecturer’s academic unit?
  • Does the proposal offer a way for the Lecturer to share results of his or her work with a broader scholarly community?


  • Membership in professional organizations
  • Subscriptions
  • Computers


Required Materials

Eligible Lecturers are invited to submit a proposal that includes the following materials:

  1. Brief (1-2 page) description of the proposed professional development activity that demonstrates how it will contribute to successful teaching.
  2. Application cover page, including signed statement from Chair/Director or Dean
  3. Itemized budget
  4. Brief curriculum vitae

Application Procedure

  1. Applications must be submitted in hard copy or by e-mail attachment (PDF format) to Academic Human Resources at the address provided on the Application Cover Page.
  2. The applicant must provide the required materials listed above, and must obtain the signed statement from the Chair/Director or Dean.
  3. Applications must be submitted by no later than February 20, 2012 for proposals taking place between February 1, 2012 and September 30, 2012.
  4. Please contact Bekah Ashley, Director of Faculty Affairs for the College of Engineering at 647-7035 ([email protected]) with questions about the application procedure.
  5. Applications received after the deadline date will not be considered.


  1. Proposals will be reviewed by a committee consisting of faculty, Lecturers, and academic administrators.
  2. Preference will be given to Lecturers who have been appointed for at least two semesters at the time the proposal is submitted.
  3. Applicants who have received an award from the Fund in the past may seek support for new proposals, but preference will be given to proposals submitted by applicants who have not previously received awards from the Fund.
  4. The awards will be announced on or about March 9, 2012.