The College permits tenure-track faculty members to fund two months of summer salary from regular funds without any special approval. Regular funds include externally sponsored research grants or departmental accounts for instructional or administrative activities. Summer appointments extending beyond two months or employing special funds (e.g., discretionary accounts) require Department and College approval.
Proposals to use special funds must be accompanied by a brief statement of the work to be performed, consistent with the designated purpose of the special funds.
Requests for summer support beyond two months or employing special funds will be approved subject to conditions that include, but are not limited to: meeting department offset and student support requirements; an appropriate work expectation for the duration and pay associated with the appointment is present; and any additional department-specific considerations.
- Faculty members should fill out the form and submit it to the department chair for completion and approval.
- Unit administrators then prepare the PAR in Wolverine Access for this appointment change.
- The department should include the signed, original Summer Support Form as an attachment to the PAR and add Jennifer Piper as an approver to the PAR transaction.
Download the Summer Appointment Form as a fillable PDF.
See also the SPG Rules on Summer Support at this link as well as the Provost’s Policy Statement on the Use of Research and Discretionary Accounts.