Lecturer Major and Continuing Reviews

The 2024-25 Major Review and Continuing Review Guidelines may be downloaded as a PDF document. The 2024-25 Major Review Casebook Template (MS Word) and the 2024-25 Continuing Review Casebook Template (MS Word) are included at the end of the guidelines document.

Please note that all major review and continuing review casebooks are due in the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs office by on February 3, 2025.  For questions please contact Jennifer Piper at 647-7035 or [email protected] or Sherry Hall at 647-7018 or [email protected].

Major Reviews and Continuing Reviews are conducted for all Lecturers I through IV at intervals specified by the LEO contract.

Lecturers I: To be completed prior to the end of the 8th semester of the prior 10 consecutive semesters of Fall and Winter appointments.  This is an “up or out” review where the unsuccessful candidate is not granted a terminal year.  The successful Lecturer I is reappointed as a Lecturer II with a 3-year reappointment and given a 7% promotional pay increase the following September.

Lecturers II: To be completed in the final year of a multi-year appointment (3 years).  Successful completion results in renewal of appointment as a Lecturer II for an additional 5 years and a 7% promotional pay increase the following September.  If unsuccessful, the Lecturer II is given a one-year terminal appointment during which the academic unit conducts another Major Review.  If this secondary review is failed, the Lecturer II’s appointment is terminated at the end of the terminal year.

Please note, there exists no promotion track from a Lecturer I/II appointment to a III/IV appointment.  Rather, a Lecturer I/II may apply for an open III/IV position as a candidate for consideration.

Lecturers III: To be completed prior to the end of the 4th academic year of appointment.  Successful completion results in renewal of appointment as a Lecturer IV with a 3-year reappointment and a 7% promotional pay increase effective the following September.  The unsuccessful review results in a terminal year appointment.  At its discretion, the academic unit may conduct a second MR during this time period.

Lecturers IV: To be completed in the final year of the multi-year appointment.  Successful completion of the MR results in the renewal of a Lecturer IV appointment for an additional 5 years  and a 7% promotional pay increase effective the following September.  In the event of an unsuccessful review, the Lecturer IV is given a one-year terminal appointment during which the academic unit conducts another MR.  If this review is unsuccessful, the Lecturer IV is terminated at the close of the terminal year.

Continuing Reviews: A Lecturer II or IV who has successfully passed 2 major reviews is eligible for a continuing review to be completed in the final year of the multi-year appointment. Successful completion of the continuing review results in a 7-year reappointment. In the event of an unsuccessful review, the Lecturer is given a terminal appointment during which the Lecturer will undergo a remediation plan and subsequent re-review. If the re-review is unsuccessful, the appointment will terminate at the end of the terminal appointment period.

All announcements regarding review outcomes are made on or before March 31.

Intermittent and Adjunct Lecturers may request a review after six consecutive years of service.  Details regarding this process are available in the LEO contract, or by contacting the ADAA office.