1. Department determines need for lecturer position. If position is Lecturer III, please consult new procedures for approval of Lecturer III positions.
2. Department completes posting approval process
Department must make best effort to notify all individuals on the unit’s layoff list via U.S. mail or electronic mail and give them an opportunity to apply (it is the responsibility of the Employee to provide current contact information).
3. Department selects final candidate from applications received.
Department must consider those on recall list. The order of recall shall be based on expertise, ability and performance essential to the unit.
4. Once candidate is selected, department drafts written notification (see offer letter templates) and sends to ADAA for approval. The notification must include:
Title of the position
Name of employing department
Duration of employment
Summary evaluation procedures
Name of department chair, program head, or other person to whom the Employee reports
Percentage effort and salary
Information regarding benefit eligibility
A detailed description of the nature of the appointment and general responsibilities
The union security statement required under Article IV, Union Security
All other notice requirements to an Employee provided for in the LEO agreement
5. ADAA approves draft offer letter
6. Department sends letter to candidate and copies ADAA
7. After candidate accepts, department sends original signed letter to ADAA within 5 business days of acceptance and begins employment paperwork for RPM-HR
8. ADAA sends signed offer letter to the LEO office.
9. Department sends notice of hiring decisions to all applicants within 14 days of completion of the selection process. If the selection process is extended, notice of when and by how long must also be sent to applicants. Unsuccessful applications should be retained for one year for potential consideration in the event that there are future similar openings.
SPECIAL NOTE: Adjunct Lecturers Vacation and Sick Time Accrual –
When Adjunct Lecturers are appointed into the Lecturing position, it is necessary for the units to send a memo to the lecturer with a copy for payroll regarding the avoidance of vacation/PTO accrual payout and sick time reduction due to the reduced primary appointment which these lecturers are taking in order to serve the college in a teaching capacity. Below are templates for your use:
a) Beginning of the semester memo: asking payroll to avoid processing any reduction or payout of these benefits; and
b) End of the semester memo: asking payroll to reinstate the accruals as necessary.