College of Engineering 2024-25 Call for Nominations
On behalf of the College Nominating Committee, I would like to invite you to nominate colleagues or yourself for the College Executive Committee, College Rules Committee, College representative to the Senate Assembly, and Ombuds representative. Listed below are the membership needs for the three elected committees and Ombuds position:
The Executive Committee has two (2) vacancies. (6 members serving 3-year terms.) Current members are: Professors P. Chen (CSE) C. Deng (BME), B. Epureanu (ME), S. Nagrath (ChE), N. Renno (CLaSP), and F. Terry (ECE). The terms of Professors Deng and Renno will expire this academic year.
Only tenured full professors are eligible to serve on this committee. This year, their primary appointment cannot be in ChE, CSE, ECE, or ME since these departments / divisions are already represented.
The Faculty Rules Committee has one (1) vacancy. (3 members serving 3-year terms.) Current members are: Professors R. Larson (ChE), K. Oldham (ME)and L. Wang (NERS). The term of Professor Wang will expire this academic year.
Any member of the governing faculty of CoE is eligible. This includes tenure-track faculty, research scientists and research professors, lecturers of more than one-year standing, and professors of practice.
The Senate Assembly has three (3) vacancies this year. (7 members serving 3-year terms.) Current members are: Professors J. Capecelatro (ME), L. Guo (ECE), C. Kuranz (NERS),
B. Love (MSE), Z. Mi (ECE) A. Shih (ME), and R. Ziff* (ChE). The terms of Professors Kuranz, Love, and Ziff will expire this academic year. *Robert Ziff is completing the remaining portion of Perry Samson’s term due to his retirement furlough.
Any member of the faculty senate who has more than a 50% appointment in CoE is eligible. This includes tenure-track faculty, research scientists and research professors. Due to a Senate expansion resolution approved by the Regents, clinical-track faculty with at least a 50% appointment to that position during the academic year, and Lecturers I, II, III and IV with at least a 50% appointment to that position during the academic year are also eligible.
The Ombuds has one (1) vacancy this year. (1 member serving a 2-year term.) The current representative is Professor N. Goulbourne (AERO). The term of Professor Goulbourne will expire this academic year.
The Nominating Committee appointed to develop a proposed election ballot is composed of the following: Professors C. Aguilar (BME), S. Daly (ME), S. El-Tawil (CEE), R. Gregg (ROB),
K. Sarabandi (ECE), K. Shin (chair, CSE), and M. Shtein (MSE).
The Committee would appreciate receiving your nominations by Friday, November 8, 2024. Please email your suggestions to the Nominating Committee at [email protected]. All names will remain confidential until the nominees accept being listed on the ballot.
A draft of the on-line ballot and biographical sketches will be made available to you prior to the February 2025 College faculty meeting. Thank you for nominating candidates for the College committees.